Tuesday, June 3, 2008


This is a big one!!!!!!

I don't need to remind you that I worked with child abuse victims, sex offenders and predators. So, safety is very important!

You might wander, why all this tough in/out, check-in cards and nametags? Why does the door person have to act like the FBI Bouncer? Well, it's because it's all about keeping kids safe.

At all times, we need to have a full account of who's in the room, who's not and what to do in case of an emergency. We are legally responsible for these children.

That is why the ROOM and the HALLWAY have to be secure at all times.

As a coach, I am asking you to do the impossible: Have eyes in the back of your head. Believe me, you get better at it with practice!

In other words, you are with the kids, but you are alert. Once we are inside, we watch the door so no one comes in and out. When we take kids to the bathroom we use the Line Rope (rope with rings for kids to hold when they walk for little ones). We are in total and complete control.

If something happens, we do not overreact. If a child gets hurt and needs a band-aid, we take care of it without freaking out. (Simply stated). Remember, if it's something you can't handle, I don't expect you to do so. (THE FIRST AID KIT WILL ALWAYS BE AT THE REGISTRATION TABLE. IF YOU NEED TO USE IT, PLEASE TELL ME WHY SO I CAN LOG IT IN CASE A PARENT ASKS)

If you have friends that come visit you during the service, they are not allowed in. You have to see them before and after all the kids are out of the room.

Absolutely no strangers in the ROOM & HALLWAY. No exceptions. If parents want to check out the room and hang out, I have no problem as long as they go through the door person and I ok it. But this is only before and after services. NOT DURING THE SERVICE.

If parents want to stay for service, they have to stay in the designated area. There are no babies or children under Kindergarten allowed in the ROOM. So, if a mom says she wants to stay in and watch the service and has a little baby, she will have to come talk to me. Believe me, this has happened before. I will most likely allow them but tell them that the moment the baby becomes an interruption, they must exit. Also, if they have little toddlers, then it's definately a no.

If you notice someone lingering outside the HALLWAY OR ANY AREA, or anything at all that seems suspicious, you need to tell me right away.

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